Last Saturday began with getting us all ready and out the door for Katherine's 9am soccer game.

It was extra hectic, because I was also making sure I had all of Katherine's dance performance items for her afternoon dance performance at the
Idabel Dogwood Days Festival.
After the soccer game I took Katherine over to Lee & Cindy Mayes' house to get her ready for the dance performance at Dogwood Days. (Lee & Cindy are member's of our church and live in Idabel.) Katherine was very excited, because I was allowing her to wear make-up with her dance wear! This was a VERY big deal to her. She also had to have her hair curled and in a pony tail for the performance. She didn't much care for the sitting still while I curled her hair; however, she liked it when it was finished.

It was off to downtown Idabel, where we would meet up with the rest of the dance group and where I discover I left one of the tap shoe ties at the Mayes' home. Cindy found the tap shoe tie and brought it to us. Katherine and I were so grateful!

Did I mention I had Sebastian with me all this time as well, and Wes had to go back to Valliant for the afternoon? God blessed me by providing more help...Cyndi Frunk brought Raeli and Ryan to watch Katherine perform and enjoy the festival activities. Oh what a blessing! She helped me with Sebastian, and I was so very thankful that I treated her and the kids to pizza at Pizza Hut afterward.

By now you are probably thinking my day should be about over, but that was not the case. The kids and I hung out with Raeli, Cyndi, and Ryan at their house before attending a birthday skating party for one of Katherine's team mates that evening. The three of us finally made it back to our house about 8:30pm.
What a day!
I apologize for not taking digital pictures during the dance performance, but Katherine asked me to video instead. I didn't have the extra hands to video and take digital pictures. Too bad I don't have a camera that does both! :-(