Wednesday, June 09, 2010


(I began this post last week and left it in the editing folder, because I wasn't sure I wanted to share it. After talking with a friend I decided to go ahead and share my thoughts with you.)

*Why do we Christians shy away from praying aloud when in a group?
*Why do we Christians go running to the Lord in prayer when something bad happens, and when all is going fairly well a prayer is never offered?
*Why do we Christians look for feel good sermons or music rather than biblical theology?
* Why don't we Christians pour out our problems to our Heavenly Father instead of our friends?
* Why don't we Christians open our bibles and share from the Word of God when a friend, coworker, or family member begins to share what's happening in their life & wants our advice?
*Why do I blog about spiritual concepts instead of sharing scripture?

Could the answers to several of these questions be:
We Christians (I) do not spend enough time in the Word of God and are still spiritual children or young adults? Yes, I think that's the answer.

Will we (I) be willing to change and begin maturing?
Yes, I desire to be constantly growing. I don't want to be stagnant in my walk with the Lord. I desire to know my Lord and Savior better everyday, and I desire for my family, friends, and strangers to see Christ in my life.

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