Friday, September 29, 2006

Katherine & The Tricycle

Katherine and Sebastian have been keeping me very busy. In fact, I've been so busy that I just haven't had time to post in a while. When I've had a few minutes to turn the computer on I usually get to my email and maybe read Wes' blog before one or both kids are yelling for my attention. There's always something!

In my last post I talked about Wes and I trying to teach Katherine how to ride her new bicycle. Here is what has taken place since... I parked the princess bicycle and decided it was time to try another approach. I knew once she got the hang of consistently pedaling that she would then have no problems with the bicycle. At least this was my hope! So with this new strategy in mind, I had Wes get the big red tricycle out. (This was a Christmas gift last year.) Wes had to make a few adjustments to the seat, add air to the tires, and unhooked the wagon that was attached to the back. I started pushing the tricycle and reminding her to pedal. She finally began to get the hang of it. Once she was pedaling on her own, I challenged her to a race back to the driveway. She took the bait, and she was off. She mastered the tricycle, but she wants to pull Sebastian in the wagon attached to the tricycle before she rides the bike. Now I am wondering what I have gotten myself into!!!

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